1 Dec 2008

I wonder how it feels...

One of our local papers has an article about Boxing Day, in which they helpfully explain:
In fact the day after Christmas Day is the feast of St Stephen, commemorating the stoning to death of the first Christian martyr. He is, incidentally, the patron saint of horses, which is why it was the traditional day for the big meet and why there are so many race meetings.
I do wonder how it feels to sit there in heaven and watch people commemorate the day you were stoned to death in this bizarre fashion, riding horses and hunting foxes - or, for that matter, sitting at home and eating and drinking too much in front of the television.

But then, why should I be surprised at this, when just the day before that people will have been sitting at home and eating and drinking too much to commemorate the birth of the Saviour of the World? It seems that any earth-shattering event is a good excuse for that.